Publishing ethics

The «Intelligentsia and the World» journal is committed to upholding the standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication misconduct. Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the work from publication in case of revealing the violations of the rules specified below.

Any manuscript received for reviewing must be treated as a confidential document, which must not be shared or discussed with others except authorized by the Editorial Board.

A reviewer must give an objective and well-reasoned evaluation of the presented results of the research. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.

A reviewer can ask to recuse him / herself from reviewing the manuscript in the case of:

  1. a reviewer, in his / her judgement, has not enough expertise to evaluate the work;
  2. a reviewer cannot be objective due to a conflict of interest with the author or the institutions related to the manuscript;
  3. a reviewer is one of the co-authors of the manuscript. In these cases, a reviewer must report the fact to the Executive Secretary, Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

Ethical principles for Editor and Publisher

Editor as a Publisher’s representative, preparing the materials for the publication, is responsible for the promulgation of the authors’ works; that is why the Editor should follow the given basic principles.

While making a decision about publication the Editor of the Journal is guided by the data reliability and scientific significance of the considered work.

Unpublished materials obtained from the submitted manuscript must not be used for one’s own purposes or shared with the third party without the written consent by the author.

Information or ideas received during the editing process and connected with possible advantages must be preserved confidential and must not be used for one’s own purposes.

Editor should not accept a paper for publication if there is enough reason to believe that it is plagiarism. Editors of the Journal should never conduct any practice that obliges authors to cite their journal as an implied or explicit condition of acceptance for publication.

When conflict situation is revealed all necessary measures to restore the violated rights must be taken.